Central Baptist Church is an independent, Christ-centred, Bible-teaching fellowship of Christians.
The church exists by the grace of God, for the glory of God, which is the ultimate purpose in all its activities. This church glorifies God by loving him and obeying his commands through worshipping him; equipping the saints through Bible instruction and study; proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching and personal evangelism, and any other means consistent with the teachings of Holy Scripture; encouraging, supporting, and participating in missions work, local, national, and international; administering the ordinances of baptism and Communion; encouraging biblical fellowship among believers; and serving individuals and families by providing for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, in the name of Jesus Christ.
The mission of the church is to obey the word of God and go into the world and make disciples for Christ of all nations by declaring the gospel in the power of the Spirit. Gathering these disciples with the rest of the Church that together we may worship the Lord and obey His commands to the glory of God.
In order to accomplish this we have as our aim the glory of God, as our assignment evangelism, missions and Christian discipleship, and as our essentials prayer, Bible preaching, teaching and fellowship.
We strive towards every-member-ministry; being equipped in the word; and using our gifts and working together in order to build up the body and mature in Christ.
Learn more about us by following the links below.